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Fraternity Fundraisers

Being in a fraternity is more than the usual social events. It’s about building a sense of brotherhood and giving back however you can. With SellCandy, it’s incredibly easy to set up your next fraternity fundraiser that everyone in the community will love!

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Fundraising For College Clubs

For many college clubs, securing enough funding can be a challenge. But with SellCandy, fundraising can be a fun way to spread awareness and meet your club’s financial goals.

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Engaging Your Community With Fundraisers

Fundraising is a great way to support local causes, programs, and more. Additionally, fundraisers provide opportunities to increase community engagement and collaboration.

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Organizing A Successful Holiday School Fundraiser

At SellCandy, we refer to the holiday season as the giving season. It is a magical time of year, filled with joyous occasions, gatherings, and gratitude. This is why the holiday season is the perfect time for a school fundraiser. The holiday spirit is contagious, and we believe that can translate into thousands of people supporting a great cause like education.

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Tips for Holiday Fundraisers

Planning on fundraising for your school over the holiday season? Here are some helpful tips to maximize contributions during your holiday fundraiser.

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What Can Elementary School Children Learn From Fundraising?

Elementary school fundraisers can benefit both the school and its students. This post focuses on what elementary school students can learn through fundraising.

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Tips for a Successful High School Fundraiser

High school fundraisers are a great way to raise money for academic, athletic, and extracurricular programs. This article includes helpful tips to help ensure your high school fundraiser is a success.

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Fundraising for Project Graduation Events

Project Graduation is a popular program for high schools nationwide. Project Graduation events provide entertainment for graduating high school seniors while helping to ensure their safety. But throwing an event for hundreds of high school students isn’t cheap. A successful fundraiser can help cover the costs while promoting a sense of school spirit and community.

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Fundraisers for Middle Schools and Junior High

SellCandy Fundraisers Help Middle Schools and Junior Highs Flourish

The donations you collect during your SellCandy fundraiser can be used to pay for various academic necessities and activities, including:

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Fundraising for Choirs

Musical ensembles like choirs are a beloved part of many communities throughout the US. SellCandy has partnered with choirs nationwide, providing them with fundraising solutions that help their voices continue to be heard.

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