Fundraising for Project Graduation Events

Project Graduation is a popular program for high schools nationwide. Project Graduation events provide entertainment for graduating high school seniors while helping to ensure their safety. But throwing an event for hundreds of high school students isn’t cheap. A successful fundraiser can help cover the costs while promoting a sense of school spirit and community.

The Benefits of Project Graduation Events


Provides a safe and supervised environment for graduates to celebrate without the risks associated with unsupervised parties.

Alcohol and Drug-Free

Promotes a drug-free and alcohol-free celebration, discouraging potentially dangerous behaviors.


Keeps graduates engaged and entertained with various activities, games, and entertainment.

Encourages Responsible Choices

Reinforces the importance of making responsible choices and decisions.

Parental Peace of Mind

Gives parents peace of mind knowing their children are in a safe environment.

Showcases School Pride

Demonstrates school pride and a commitment to the well-being of graduates.

Community Support

Attracts support from local businesses and community members.

Builds Lasting Memories

Creates lasting memories and a positive conclusion to the high school experience.

Graduate Appreciation

Shows appreciation for graduates’ hard work and achievements.

Promotes Responsibility

Reinforces the idea that responsible celebration can be fun and rewarding.

high school graduates looking down in a circle
high school graduates posing behind giant polaroid frame

What Might Your Project Graduation Event Need?

Venue Rental

Suppose you are not holding your Project Graduation event at the high school. In that case, you will need to cover the costs of securing a suitable location for the event, such as a community center, recreation facility, or rented event space.


Hiring DJs, live bands, or performers to keep graduates entertained throughout the night.

Food and Catering

Providing a variety of delectable food options, including:

  • Snacks
  • Refreshments
  • Meals


Purchasing decorations, themes, and party supplies to create a festive atmosphere.

Prizes and Giveaways

Procuring prizes, gifts, and incentives for games and activities to keep graduates engaged.


Arranging safe transportation options for graduates to and from the event, if needed.

Activities and Games

Organizing games, competitions, and interactive activities to keep attendees entertained.

Photo Booths and Photography

Setting up photo booths or hiring photographers to capture memorable moments.

Souvenirs and Keepsakes

Providing graduates with commemorative items or souvenirs to remember the event.

T-shirts and Apparel

Designing and purchasing custom T-shirts or apparel for graduates to wear during the event.

Professional Services

Covering costs associated with event planning, coordination, and logistics.

Clean-Up and Venue Restoration

Ensuring that the event venue is cleaned and restored to its original condition after the event.

Marketing and Promotion

Promoting the event to graduates and their families through flyers, social media, and other channels.

Ticket Subsidies

Offering reduced-price or subsidized tickets to ensure affordability for all graduates.

SellCandy Simplifies Fundraising for Project Graduation

Our fundraising solutions have helped high schools throughout the US.

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