Fundraising for PTAs and PTOs

In order for schools to raise money and enhance student’s education, they rely on their school budget. Luckily, there are groups in many communities that are dedicated to contributing funds toward the budget that will help both students and teachers. 

These organizations are known as PTA groups and PTO groups, and while they may follow different guidelines, they both share the goal of organizing and participating in fundraisers in support of their local schools. 

How Fundraising Can Help PTAs and PTOs 

PTAs (Parent Teacher Associations) are local groups that are a part of the national PTA organization headquartered in Chicago. Members of PTA groups must pay dues to their state and national organization as well as abide by state and national group guidelines. The average PTA group contributes $1,000 to their state and national organization with their dues alone. 

PTOs (Parent Teacher Organizations) on the other hand are independent of the PTA and are most often single-school groups that operate under their own guidelines.

However, both groups raise money and donate it to schools so that educators can provide students with an enriched learning experience.

pta member with children

Funds raised by PTAs and PTOs allow schools to: 

  • Organize more educational field trips
  •  Contribute more to extracurricular activities 
  • Add improved fields and sports centers 
  • Provide students and teachers with additional school supplies including pencils, desks, folders, textbooks, and backpacks. 
  • Cover expenses to run school events including food, merchandise, and decorations. 

SellCandy provides an opportunity that PTAs and PTOs cannot miss that will certainly and quickly raise funds for their local schools.

school pick up

SellCandy is Here To Help PTAs and PTOs With Everything Candy Fundraising

With a variety of popular and delicious candies to choose from, it is no wonder why Sell Candy is one of the best candy fundraising companies. People will be more than eager to donate to your cause when they know they will earn a delicious treat out of it! 

Our dedicated team members are readily available to assist you will all of your fundraising needs. We will provide everything you need including the proper tools and checklist to ensure that your candy fundraiser is a success.

Start Your Candy Fundraiser Today 

With over two decades in the fundraising business, SellCandy has everything you need to launch your candy fundraiser. Contact us today for additional information and questions!

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